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Want to become a Stevenson Mustang? Each year, our students successfully transfer from AACC to Stevenson University.

Transfer Credits to Stevenson University and Stevenson University Online

AACC can help you transfer to Stevenson University. Stevenson University offers both a traditional, on-campus residential college experience and online options for select bachelor’s programs. The traditional experience offers more than 30 bachelor’s programs, 35 minors and preprofessional studies in pre-dentistry, prelaw, pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy and pre-veterinary. For students who need the flexibility of an online education, Stevenson offers 10 online bachelor’s programs through Stevenson University Online, including Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics, Nursing ATB and Medical Laboratory Science. Please read the details on this page carefully as there are differences between Stevenson University's on-campus and online programs.

You can major in one of AACC's programs listed below or create a customized plan with a transfer advisor. Stevenson University and Stevenson University Online accept up to 70 credits from AACC. 

Whether you decide to transfer to Stevenson University or Stevenson University Online, you can save money!


Ready to develop your transfer plan? If you are a new student, apply to AACC to get started. Current students should speak with an AACC transfer advisor.

Scholarships for Stevenson Transfers

At Stevenson University, the average annual transfer student award is $19,000. Some receive up to $23,000. Stevenson University offers the following scholarships to transfer students studying on campus:

  • Annual merit-based scholarships: Up to $21,300, depending on academic achievement.
  • The Seven Oaks Transfer Scholarship is worth $2,000 per year. It recognizes the potential of transfer students to become active, engaged members of the college.  
  • The Transfer Fellowship is a full-tuition scholarship. Stevenson awards it to transfer students who can make a lasting impact.
  • Special scholarships dedicated to students interested in:
    • Theatre and media performance  
    • Visual arts
    • Honors program
    • Mock Trial team
    • Science programs 

You can find details about these scholarships on the Stevenson University website

What can I study at Stevenson?

Stevenson offers several academic programs. The transfer agreements listed below help you transfer from AACC to Stevenson to complete your bachelor's degree. The transfer guides tell you which AACC courses you should take if you're planning to transfer to Stevenson.

If your major is not listed below you can work with a transfer advisor at AACC to create a custom transfer plan.  

Stevenson University


A.A.S. - Addiction Counseling

B.S. - Counseling and Human Services


A.A.S. - Human Services

B.S. - Counseling and Human Services



Biomedical Engineering Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.S. in Engineering Transfer for the completion of the B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Stevenson University (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 
2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

EGR 120 - Introduction to Engineering Design

BME 101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

Program Requirement

CHE 111 General Chemistry 1/L

CHEM 115/115L General Chemistry

Program Requirement

ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1

ENG 151 College Writing I

General elective 

MATH 191 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry 1

MATH 220 Calculus I

Program Requirement

MATH 192 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry 2

MATH 221 Calculus II

Program Requirement

MATH 201 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry 3

MATH 222 Calculus III

Program Requirement

MAT 212 - Differential Equations

Satisfies MATH 321 Introduction to Differential Equations

Program Requirement  

PHY 211 General Physics 1

PHYS 215 General Physics I

Program Requirement 


PHY 212 General Physics 2

PHYS 216 General Physics II

Program Requirement 

Technical Electives:
SU Recommends:
-CHE 112 Principles of General Chemistry 2/L (4)
CHE 213 - Organic Chemistry 1/L (4)
-ENG 102 Academic Writing and Research 2 (3)
-EGR 209 Statics (3) or EGR 235 Circuit Theory (4)

-CHEM 116/116L General Chemistry II
-CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry I/CHEM 210L Organic Chemistry I
-ENG 152 College Writing II
-BME 299

-Program Requirement
-Program Requirement
-Program Requirement
-BME Elective 1 of 2


Gen Ed requirements (2 Arts & Humanities, 1 Wellness, 2 Social Science; must include 1 Diversity)

General Education Requirements



Total: 63-64 Credits
Please note: A minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the A.S. in Engineering Transfer will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. in Biomedical Engineering requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have to take more general education and program requirements and have fewer free electives.

General Education Requirements (0 credits)

Major Requirements (53 credits)

SCI 215 Writing in the Sciences, 3 credits
BIO 113/113L General Biology 1: Cell Biology and Genetics/Laboratory, 4 credits
BME 205 Problem Solving and Design, 4 credits
BME 210 Thermodynamics, 3 credits
BME 230 Biofluids, 3 credits
BME 314 Biostatistics, 3 credits
BME 315 Biomaterials, 4 credits
BME 320 Clinical Immersion, 3 credits
BME 335 Instrumentation, 3 credits
BME 340 Systems Physiology, 4 credits
BME 380 Biomechanics, 4 credits
BME 470/475 Biomedical Engineering Design Capstone I & II*, 6 credits

Basic Science Electives (2 courses), choose from: (6-8 credits)

BIO 217 Principles of Biochemistry
BIO 222 Human Anatomy
BIO 230 Genetics
BIO 310 Cell Biology
BIO 322 Human Physiology
BIO 330 Molecular Genetics
BIOCH 327 Biochemistry
BICH 427 Advanced Biochemistry
CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry II/CHEM 211L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CHEM 340 Medicinal and Drug Chemistry

BME electives. Take one course, choose from: (3 credits)

BME 325 Transport Systems*
BME 330 Bioelectric Systems*
BME 365 Independent Research in Biomedical Engineering*
BME 425 Synthetic Biology*
BME 440 Topics in Biomedical Engineering*

Additional Credits Needed: up to 4 credits of general electives

Up to 4 credits of general electives if needed to meet the 120 credit minimum for the B.S. degree.

Total credits to be taken at SU: 57-59

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • BME 205 Problem Solving and Design (4)
  • BME 314 Biostatistics (3)
  • BME 380 Biomechanics (4)
  • BIO 113 Gen Biology I: Cell and Genetics with BIO 113L Gen. Biology I Laboratory (4)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • BME 210 Thermodynamics (3)
  • BME 230 Biofluid Mechanics (3)
  • BME 320 Clinical Immersion (3)
  • SCI 215 Writing in the Sciences (3)
  • Science Elective (1 of 2) (3-4)

Credits: 15-16

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • BME 335 Instrumentation (3)
  • BME 340 Systems Physiology (4)
  • BME 470 BME Design Capstone I (3)
  • Science Elective (2 of 2) (3-4)
  • General elective (if needed) (3)

Credits: 16-17

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • BME 315 Biomaterials (4)
  • BME 475 BME Design Capstone II (3)
  • BME Elective (2 of 2) (3-4)
  • General elective (if needed) (3)

Credits: 13-14

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a C- 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Gregory Schrader, PhD
Interim Associate Vice President for Learning 

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 3 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Alycia Marshall, PhD.
Interim Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 3 years from date of last signature.

Business Administration Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.S. in Business Administration Transfer for the completion of the B.S. in Business Administration at Stevenson University (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

BPA 111 Introduction to Business

BA 101

General Elective

BPA 201 Financial Accounting

ACC 140 Financial Accounting

Program Requirement

BPA 202 Managerial Accounting

ACC 141 Managerial Accounting

Program Requirement: Quantitative Literacy

BPA, ECO or ESI Electives - 8 credits
(Note: MAT 137 College Algebra 3 credits; can satisfy this requirement)
SU Recommends (if possible, other courses may transfer as general electives):

-BPA-119 Global Business
-BPA-142 Principles of Management
-BPA-125 Marketing Principles

-INBUS 201 (existing equivalency)
-MGT 204 Principles of Management
-MKT 206 Principles of Marketing

Program Requirements

ECO 212 Principles of Economics 2

EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics

Program Requirement: Social Science

ECO 232 Business Statistics

MATH 190TR (Fulfills MATH 136 Program Requirement)

Program Requirement:
Quantitative Literacy

LGS 253 Business Law

LAW 208 Business Law

Program Requirement  

MAT 230 Elementary Calculus


General Elective


ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1

ENG 151 College Writing I

General Education

ENG 102 Academic Writing and Research 2

ENG 152 College Writing II

General Education

Arts & Humanities GER

Humanities or Fine Arts

General Education: Humanities or Fine Arts

COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or COM 116 Fundamentals of Oral Communication for Non Native Speakers

CM 101 Public Speaking 

General Education: Communication Intensive

Biological & Physical Sciences GER 7 credits (Lab Science & non-Lab Science)

Scientific Reasoning and Scientific Reasoning Lab

General Education: Scientific Reasoning

Wellness Requirement

General Elective

General Elective


ECO 211 Principles of Economics 1

EC 201 Principles of Macroeconomics

Program Requirement: Social Science


Social and Behavioral Science (Not ECO)

General Elective

General Elective: Social Science

Technology Requirement

IS 199

General Elective


Total: 61 AACC credits, depending on selection above.
Please note: A minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the A.S. in Business Administration Transfer will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. in Business Administration requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have to take more general education and program requirements and have fewer free electives.

General Education Requirements (0 credits)

Major Requirements (42 credits)

FIN 300 Principles of Finance (3 credits)
IS 135 MS Office Applications (3 credits)
MGT 210 Business Writing (3 credits)
MGT 300 Business Analytics (3 credits)
MGT 308 Business Ethics (3 credits)
MGT 310 Organizational Behavior (3 credits)
MGT 313 Operations Management (3 credits)
MGT 422 Strategic Management (3 credits)
MGT 430 Business Capstone (3 credits)

All of the major requirements listed above (27 credits) and one of the following program tracks (15 credits):

General Track

1. MGT/MKT/FIN 417 Internship (3 credits);

2. Four business electives (12 credits) from the following subject areas/courses: ACC, CDF 110, EC, FIN, FMER, INBUS, IS, LAW 325, LAW 345, LAW 470, MGT, MKT, REA.

Entrepreneurship Track

1. MGT/MKT/FIN 417 Internship (3 credits);

2. MGT 224 Principles of Entrepreneurship (3 credits);

3. MGT 324 Entrepreneurial Business Planning (3 credits);

4. MKT 330 Strategic Marketing for Entrepreneurs (3 credits);

5. One of the following:

  • MGT 323 Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
  • MGT413 Project Management (3 credits)
  • MGT 424 Entrepreneurial Development (3 credits)

Finance Track

1. FIN 417 Internship (3 credits);

2. Four of the following electives:

  • FIN 321/EC321 Money & Banking (3 credits)
  • FIN 416 International Finance (3 credits)
  • FIN 420 Investment Theory and Practice (3 credits)
  • FIN 425 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (3 credits)
  • FIN 435 Applied Corporate Finance (3 credits)
  • FIN 450 Business Valuation (3 credits)

International Business Track

1. MGT/MKT/FIN 417 Internship (3 credits);

2. Four of the following electives:

  • INBUS201 Survey of International Business (3 credits)
  • INBUS315 International Business Management (3 credits)
  • INBUS325 International Marketing (3 credits)
  • INBUS347 International HR Management (3 credits)
  • INBUS416 International Finance (3 credits)
  • INBUS420 International Operations Management (3 credits)
  • INBUS430 International Economics (3 credits)
  • INBUS470 International Business Law (3 credits)

Sport Management Track

1. MGT/MKT417 Internship (3 credits);

2. MGT 235 Introduction to Sport Management (3 credits);

3. Three of the following electives:

  • EC 340 Economics of Sports (3 credits)
  • LAW 345 Sports Law (3 credits)
  • MGT 335 Management of Sport Enterprises (3 credits)
  • MKT 315 Sports Marketing (3 credits)

Additional Credits Needed: 17 credits of general electives

Total credits to be taken at SU: 59

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MGT 210 Business Writing (3)
  • IS 135 MS Office Applications (3)
  • General Elective or Minor Courses (9)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • FIN 300 Principles of Finance (3)
  • MGT 308 Business Ethics (3)
  • MGT 310 Organizational Behavior (3)
  • MGT 300 Business Analytics (3)
  • General Elective or Minor Course (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MGT 422 Strategic Management (3)
  • MGT 313 Operations Management (3)
  • General Elective or Minor Course (3)
  • Business Track Elective (3)
  • Business Track Elective (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • MGT/MKT/FIN 417 Internship (3)
  • MGT430 Business Capstone (3)
  • Business Track Elective (3)
  • Business Track Elective (3)
  • General Elective or Minor Course (3)

Credits: 14

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Gregory Schrader, PhD
Interim Associate Vice President for Learning 

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 3 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Alycia Marshall, PhD.
Interim Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 3 years from date of last signature.

Business Communications Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A. in Communications for the completion of the B.S. in Business Communication at Stevenson University (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

COM Courses - SU recommends:

-COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
-COM 141 Group Communication and Leadership
-COM 110 Interpersonal Communication or COM 200 Intercultural Communication
-COM 102 Writing for News Media 1

-CM 101 Public Speaking
-CM 255 Small Group Communication
-CM 115 Interpersonal Communication or CM 211 Intercultural Communication
-CM/ENG 253 Journalism I

Program Requirements
-Program Req't
-Program Req't
-Program Req't
-Comm Writing Core #1 (1 of 3)


Electives - SU Recommends: Take 16 credits

-COM 202 Writing for News Media 2
-BPA 142 Principles of Management
-BPA 125 Marketing Principles
-BPA 162 Business Communications
-CTA 110 Personal Computer Office Suite Applications (4 cr)

-CM/ENG 254 Journalism II
-MGT 204 Principles of Management
-MKT 206 Principles of Marketing
-CM 260 Business and Professional Communication
-IS 135 MS Office Applications

Program Requirements
-Comm Writing Core #2 (2 of 3)
-Program Req't
-Program Req't
-BusComm Program Elective (1 of 2)
-BusComm Tech Elective


ENG 101 Academic Writing and Research 1

ENG 151 College Writing 1

General Education

ENG 102 Academic Writing and Research 2

ENG 152 College Writing II

General Education

Arts and Humanities: History (HIS 111, 112, 211, and 212) and Communications


General Education: Humanities

ENG Sophomore Literature


General Education

Biological & Physical Sciences GER 7 credits (Lab Science & non-Lab Science)

Scientific Reasoning and Scientific Reasoning Lab

General Education: Scientific Reasoning

Wellness Requirement

General Elective

General Elective


MAT 133 Finite Mathematics or MAT 135 Statistics

MATH 135 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning or MATH 190TR

General Education: Quantitative Literacy

Social Behavioral Sciences (except History)

Social Science

General Education: Social Science

Technology Requirement

General Elective

General Elective

Total: 62 AACC credits, depending on selection above.
Please note: A minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the A.A. in Communications will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. Business Communication requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have to take more general education and program requirements and have fewer free electives

General Education Requirements (0 credits)

Major Requirements (40 credits)

CM 205 Communication Ethics (3 credits)
CM 270 New Media Communication (3 credits)
CM 290 Internship Preparation (1 credit)
CM 310 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3 credits)
CM 390 Organizational Communication (3 credits)
CM 401 Internship (3 credits)
CM 490 Communication Capstone (3 credits)
Writing Core #3 Choose One (3 credits):

  • CM/ENG 303 Feature Writing
  • CM/ENG 304 Magazine Writing and Publishing
  • CM/ENG 305 Journalism Practicum
  • CM/ENG 314 Public Relations Writing
  • CM 323 Writing for the Web
  • ENG 224 Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENG 324 Creative Writing: Non Fiction

MKT 311 Consumer Behavior (3 credits)
MKT 336 Integrated Marketing Communication (3 credits)
GDES 125 Fundamentals of Digital Media (3 credits)
GDES 270 Introduction to Corporate Communication Design (3 credits)
PHOTO 141 Basic Digital Photography (3 credits)
Business Communication Program Elective (2 of 2) (3 credits)

Additional Credits Needed: 18 credits of general electives

Total credits to be taken at SU: 58

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Gregory Schrader, PhD
Interim Associate Vice President for Learning 

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 3 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Alycia Marshall, PhD.
Interim Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 3 years from date of last signature.

Counseling and Human Services Agreement (Addiction Counseling)


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A.S. in Addiction Counseling for the completion of the B.S. in Counseling and Human Services at Stevenson University (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

HUS 101 Human Service and Addiction Counseling Ethics in Practice


Focused Elective Satisfies CHS 370 Ethics in Counseling


HUS 102 Psychological Aspects of Chemical Dependence

CHS 270 Psychopharmacology & Addictions

Program Requirement

HUS 114 Counseling, Assessment and Case Management

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 115 Fieldwork: Counseling, Assessment and Case Management

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 130 Introduction to Family Counseling

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 140 Topics in Alcohol and Drug Counseling: Concurring Disorders

CHS 199

General Elective

HUS 141 Group Dynamics

CHS 199

Program Requirement Satisfies: CHS 315 Group Counseling

HUS 200 Addiction Treatment Delivery

CHS 299

General Elective


HUS 216 Theories of Counseling

CHS 299

Program Requirement Satisfies: CHS 360 Counseling Strategies for Individuals

HUS 217 Fieldwork: Theories of Counseling

CHS 299

Program Requirement Satisfies: CHS 380 Internship in Counseling & Human Services

HUS 234 Trauma Informed Care

CHS 299

General Elective


ENG 101 Academic Writing & Research I

ENG 151 College Writing I 

General Education  3

ENG 102 Academic Writing & Research 2

ENG 152 College Writing II

General Education  

BIO 101 Fundamentals of Biology or BIO 230 Structure and Function of the Human Body

Lab Science Requirement 

General Education: Science Reasoning Lab

Mathematics General Education
SU Recommends: MAT 135 Statistics

MATH 190TR Transfer Statistics

General Education: Quantitative Literacy
Satisfies MATH 136 Statistics


PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 

General Education: Social Science

PSY 214 Abnormal Psychology

PSY 215 Psychopathology

Focused Elective/Social Science

COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or COM 116 Fundamentals of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers

CM 199TR OR CM 101 Public Speaking


General Education: Communication Intensive

CTA 100 Computing and Information Technology or CTP 103 Theories and Applications of Digital Technology

IS 199  General Elective 

Wellness Requirement

General Elective General Elective 3



Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the AAS in Addiction Counseling and will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. Counseling and Human Services requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have to take more general education and program requirements and have fewer free electives.

General Education Requirements (18 credits)

Humanities (12 credits in three disciplines); for the B.A. degree, 6 credits will be foreign language
Fine Arts (3 credits)
Scientific Reasoning/Scientific Reasoning Lab/Quantitative Literacy (3 credits)

Major Requirements (39 credits)

CHS 101 Family Studies (3 credits)
CHS 105 Human Services and Social Policy (3 credits)
CHS 217 Professional Development in Counseling & Human Services (3 credits)
CHS 220 Diversity and Cultural Competence (3 credits)
CHS 224 Research Methods and Writing (3 credits)
CHS 340/540 Administration of Human Services (3 credits)
CHS 430 Family Dynamics and Interventions (3 credits)
CHS 440 Practicum in Counseling and Human Services (9 credits)
CHS 441 Seminar in Counseling and Human Services (3 Credits)
PSY 108 Human Growth and Development (3 Credits)
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

Additional Credits Needed: 3 credits of general electives

Total credits to be taken at SU: 60

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CHS 101 Family Studies (3)
  • CHS 105 Human Services and Social Policy (3)
  • Fine Arts (FA) (3)
  • Humanities I (HUM) (3)
  • PSY 108 Human Growth & Development (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CHS 220 Diversity of Cultural Competence (3)
  • CHS 224 Research Methods & Writing (WI) (3)
  • CHS 340/540 Administration of Human Services (WI) (3)
  • Humanities II (3)
  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (SS) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CHS 217 Professional Development in CHS (3)
  • CHS 430 Family Dynamics & Interventions (3)
  • Humanities III (HUM) (3)
  • Math or Science (SR, SR-L, QL) (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CHS 440 Practicum in Counseling & Human Services (9)

  • CHS 441 Seminar in Counseling and Human Services (3)

  • Humanities IV (HUM) (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Gregory Schrader, PhD
Interim Associate Vice President for Learning 

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 3 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Alycia Marshall, PhD.
Interim Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 3 years from date of last signature.

Counseling and Human Services Agreement (Human Services)


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A.S. in Human Services for the completion of the B.S. in Counseling and Human Services at Stevenson University (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

HUS 100 Introduction to Human Services

CHS 105 Human Services & Social Policy

Program Requirement


HUS 101 Human Service and Addiction Counseling Ethics in Practice


Satisfies CHS 370 Ethics in Counseling Focused Elective

HUS 114 Counseling, Assessment and Case Management

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 115 Fieldwork: Counseling, Assessment and Case Management

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 130 Introduction to Family Counseling

CHS 199

Focused Elective

HUS 141 Group Dynamics

CHS 199

Satisfies: CHS 315 Group Counseling Program Requirement

HUS 211 Crisis Intervention and Counseling

CHS 299

General Elective


HUS 216 Theories of Counseling

CHS 299

Program Requirement Satisfies: CHS 360 Counseling Strategies for Individuals

HUS 217 Fieldwork: Theories of Counseling

CHS 299

Program Requirement Satisfies: CHS 380 Internship in Counseling & Human Services

HUS 234 Trauma Informed Care

CHS 299

General Elective


ENG 101 Academic Writing & Research I

ENG 151 College Writing I 

General Education  3

ENG 102 Academic Writing & Research 2

ENG 152 College Writing II

General Education  

BIO 101 Fundamentals of Biology or BIO 230 Structure and Function of the Human Body

Lab Science Requirement 

General Education: Science Reasoning Lab

Mathematics General Education
SU Recommends: MAT 135 Statistics

MATH 190TR Transfer Statistics

General Education: Quantitative Literacy
Satisfies MATH 136 Statistics 

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 

General Education: Social Science

PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 

General Education: Social Science

PSY 214 Abnormal Psychology

PSY 215 Psychopathology

Focused Elective

COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or COM 116 Fundamentals of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers

CM 199TR OR CM 101 Public Speaking 

General Education: Communication Intensive

CTA 100 Computing and Information Technology or CTP 103 Theories and Applications of Digital Technology

IS 199  General Elective 

Wellness Requirement

General Elective General Elective 3

Total: 60 AACC credits, depending on selection above.
Please note: A minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate's degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the AAS in Human Services and will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. requirements in Counseling and Human Services. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have to take more general education and program requirements and have fewer free electives.

General Education Requirements (18 credits)

Humanities (12 credits in three disciplines); for the B.A. degree, 6 credits will be foreign language
Fine Arts (3 credits)
Scientific Reasoning/Scientific Reasoning Lab/Quantitative Literacy (3 credits)

Major Requirements (36 credits)

CHS 101 Family Studies (3 credits)
CHS 217 Professional Development in Counseling & Human Services (3 credits)
CHS 220 Diversity and Cultural Competence (3 credits)
CHS 224 Research Methods and Writing (3 credits)
CHS 270 Psychopharmacology and Addictions (3 credits)
CHS 340/540 Administration of Human Services (3 credits)
CHS 430 Family Dynamics and Interventions (3 credits)
CHS 440 Practicum in Counseling and Human Services (9 credits)
CHS 441 Seminar in Counseling and Human Services (3 Credits)
PSY 108 Human Growth and Development (3 Credits)

Additional Credits Needed: 6 credits of general electives

Total credits to be taken at SU: 60

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CHS 101 Family Studies (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • Fine Arts (FA) (3)
  • Humanities I (HUM) (3)
  • PSY 108 Human Growth & Development (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CHS 220 Diversity of Cultural Competence (3)
  • CHS 224 Research Methods & Writing (WI) (3)
  • CHS 340/540 Administration of Human Services (WI) (3)
  • Humanities II (3)
  • Math or Science (SR, SR-L or QL) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CHS 217 Professional Development in CHS (3)
  • CHS 270 Psychopharmacology & Addictions (3)
  • CHS 430 Family Dynamics & Interventions (3)
  • Humanities III (HUM) (3)
  • General Elective/Minor Course (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CHS 440 Practicum in Counseling & Human Services (9)

  • CHS 441 Seminar in Counseling and Human Services (3)

  • Humanities IV (HUM) (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Gregory Schrader, PhD
Interim Associate Vice President for Learning 

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 3 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Alycia Marshall, PhD.
Interim Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 3 years from date of last signature.

Criminal Justice Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A.S. in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice for the completion of the B.S. in Criminal Justice (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

CJS 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice 

CJUS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 

Program Requirement & SEE Social Science I 


CJS 113 Penology

CJUS 275 Corrections 

Program Requirement 

LGS 215 Criminal Law 

CJUS 220 Criminal Law and Procedure 

Program Requirement

CJS 225 Criminal Justice Ethics 

CJUS 205 Ethics Principles in Criminal Justice 

Program Requirement

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology 

SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 

SEE Social Science II (General Education) 

CJS 112 Police Operations 

CJUS 280 Law Enforcement 

Program Requirement

CJS 222 Investigation and Criminalistics (4 credits) 

CJUS 299 lower-level elective (1 of 6) 

Program Requirement


CJS 121 Police Administration

CJUS 199 lower-level elective (2 of 6) 

Program Requirement

CJS 260 Terrorism/Counterterrorism or HLS 111 Introduction to Homeland Security 

CJUS 199 or 299 lower-level elective (3 of 6)

Program Requirement

Elective (criminal justice or social science: CJS, PSY or SOC) [SU recommends take CJS] 

CJUS 199 lower-level elective (4 of 6) 

Program Requirement


Elective (criminal justice or consult with advisor) (5 credits) [SU recommends take CJS] 

CJUS 199 lower-level elective (5 of 6)   Program Requirement 

ENG 101 Academic Writing & Research I

ENG 151 College Writing I 

SEE General Education  3

ENG 102 Academic Writing & Research 2

ENG 152 College Writing II

SEE General Education  

Arts and Humanities
SU Recommends: COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 

CM 101 Public Speaking 

SEE Communication Intensive (General Education) 

Biological and Physical Sciences 

SR Scientific Reasoning 

SEE Other Math/Science (General Education) 


Mathematics General Education
SU Recommends: MAT 135 Statistics

MATH 136 Statistics 

SEE Quantitative Literacy

PLS 111 American Government 

POSCI 102 American Government  

SEE Social Science (General Education) 

CTP 103 Theories and Applications of Digital Technology (recommended) 


General Elective 

Wellness Requirement

  General Elective 3

Total: 60 credits
Please note: A minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate's degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the A.A.S. in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. in Criminal Justice requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have more general education and program requirements to take and fewer free electives. 

General Education Requirements (19 credits)

Humanities (12 credits in 3 disciplines)
Fine Arts (3 credits)
Scientific Reasoning Lab (4 credits) 

Major Requirements (24 credits)

CJUS 210 Writing for Criminal Justice (3 credits)
CJUS 285 Criminology (3 credits)
CJUS 345 Victimology (3 credits)
CJUS 380 American Courts and the Criminal Justice System (3 credits)
CJUS 385 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3 credits)
CJUS 417 Criminal Justice Internship (3 credits)
POSCI 205 State & Local Government (3 credits)
CJUS upper-level elective (3 credits) 

Additional Credits Needed: 17 credits of General Electives

Total credits to be taken at SU: 60

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CJUS 210 Writing for Criminal Justice (3)
  • CJUS 380 American Courts and the Criminal Justice System (3)
  • Scientific Reasoning Lab (4)
  • Fine Arts (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 16

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CJUS 285 Criminology (3)
  • POSCI 205 State & Local Government (3)
  • Humanities (1 of 4) (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • CJUS 345 Victimology (3)
  • CJUS 385 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3)
  • Humanities (2 of 4) (3)
  • Humanities (3 of 4) (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CJUS 417 Criminal Justice Internship (3)
  • CJUS upper-level elective (3)
  • Humanities (4 of 4) (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (2)

Credits: 14

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review (2 years from date of last signature).

Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A.S. in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (with AOC in Digital Forensics, Networking and Security) for the completion of the B.S. in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Digital Forensics AOC

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

CTS 110 - Network Essentials 

IS-231 Network Technologies

Program Requirement


CTS 120 - Introduction to UNIX/LINUX

CDF general transfer 

Program Requirement 

CTS 140 - Network Security Fundamentals 

CDF-2S1 Network Security

Program Requirement

CTS 234 - Windows Server 

1S-235 Advanced Windows Server Architecture and Administration

Program Requirement

CJS 111 - Introduction to Criminal Justice 

Social Science Requirement 

Program Requirement

CTS 170 - Digital Forensics l 

CDF-261 Digital Forensics 

Program Requirement

CTS 207 - Digital Forensics 2
CTS 209 - Digital Forensics 3

CDF-391 Incident Response and Investigation Methods and general elective

Digital Forensics Area of Concentration


CTS 242 - Network Intrusion Detection and Penetration Testing

CDF-271 Intrusion and Penetration Testing 

Digital Forensics Area of Concentration

Additional Security Area of Concentration Electives: CTS 216 or CTS 236


Digital Forensics Area of Concentration Electives


English Composition: ENG 101 or ENG 101H or ENG 101A
ENG 102 or ENG 102H

ENG 151: English Composition
ENG 152: Writing About Literature

English Composition 6

CTP 194 - Ethics and the Information Age

Humanities Requirement


BIO 135 - Principles or Nutrition

Non-lab requirement 


CTS 107 Cyber Essentials

IS 140 Information Systems Architecture and Design 3 credits 



MAT 137 College Algebra

Mathematics Requirement


General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences courses other than criminal justice 

Social Science Requirement

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Total: 61 credits

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above and earn the A.A.S. in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity: Digital Forensics AOC) will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the A.A.S. may have different requirements.

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MGT 210 Business Writing (3)
  • CDF 290 Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity (3)
  • CDF 252 Networking (3)
  • CDF 392 Information Systems Forensics Internals-Auditing (3)
  • IS-331 CISCO TCP and IP Routing (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • IS 365 Writing for IS Applications 300/400-level Writing Intensive (WI) (3)
  • CDF 393 Forensic Evidence Collection Tools and Techniques (3)
  • CDF 475 Advanced Digital Forensics (3)
  • IS 240 Programming Concepts (3)
  • Humanities II* (HUM) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • IS 432 Network Security - Firewalls, IDS, and Counter Measures (3)
  • CDF 240 Linux System Administration (3)
  • Humanities III* (HUM)
  • Fine Arts (3)
  • Lab Science (4)

Credits: 16

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CDF 480 Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Capstone (3)
  • CDF-281 Advanced Network Defense (3)
  • Communication Intensive (3)
  • Humanities IV* (HUM) (3)
  • Elective credit if needed (1)

Credits: 13

Networking AOC

Anne Arundel Community CollegeStevenson UniversityCategoryCredits

CTS 110 - Network Essentials

IS-231 Network Technologies

Program Requirement


CTS 120 - Introduction to UNIX/LINUX


Program Requirement

CTS 140 - Network Security Fundamentals

CDF-251 Network Security

Program Requirement


CTS 234 - Windows Server

IS-235 Advanced Windows Server Architecture and Administration

Program Requirement


CTS 130 - Networking 1

IS-331 CISCO TCP and IP Routing and general elective

Networking Area of Concentration


CTS 230 - Networking 3

IS-331 CISCO TCP and IP Routing and general elective

Networking Area of Concentration


CTS 231 - Networking 4

IS-331 CISCO TCP and IP Routing and general elective

Networking Area of Concentration


CTS 131 - Networking 2

CDF-252 Networking II



CTS 222 - UNIX/LINUX System Administration

CDF-240 Linux System Administration

Networking Area of Concentration Electives


Additional Security Area of Concentration Electives: CTS 216 or CTS 236


Networking Area of Concentration Electives


English Composition: ENG 101 or ENG 101H or ENG10A

ENG 102 or ENG 102H

ENG 151: English Composition

ENG 152: Writing About Literature

English Composition General Education Requirement


CTP 194 - Ethics and the Information Age

Humanities Requirement

Humanities General Education Requirement


BIO 135 - Principles of Nutrition

Non-lab requirement

Science General Education Requirement


CTS 107 - Cyber Essentials

IS-140 Information Systems Architecture and Design

Technology General Education Requirement


MAT 137 - College Algebra

Mathematics Requirement

Mathematics General Education Requirement


General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences course

Social Science Requirement

Social and Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirement


Total: 61 credits

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above and earn the A.A.S. in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (Networking AOC) will take the following courses at  Stevenson to meet the B.S. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the A.A.S. may have different requirements.

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MGT 210 Business Writing (3)
  • CDF 290 Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity (3)
  • CDF 391 Incident Response and Investigation (3)
  • CDF 392 Information Systems Forensics Internals-Auditing (3)
  • CDF 261 Digital Forensics (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • IS 365 Writing for IS Applications 300/400-level Writing Intensive (WI) (3)
  • CDF 393 Forensic Evidence Collection Tools and Techniques (3)
  • CDF 475 Advanced Digital Forensics (3)
  • IS 240 Programming Concepts (3)
  • Humanities II* (HUM) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • IS 432 Network Security - Firewalls, IDS, and Counter Measures (3)
  • CDF 271 Intrusion and Penetration (3)
  • Humanities III* (HUM)
  • Fine Arts (3)
  • Lab Science (4)

Credits: 16

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CDF 480 Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Capstone (3)
  • CDF-281 Advanced Network Defense (3)
  • Social Science II** (3)
  • Humanities IV* (HUM) (3)
  • Communication Intensive (3)

Credits: 15

Security AOC

Anne Arundel Community College Stevenson UniversityCategoryCredits

CTS 110 - Network Essentials

IS-231 Network Technologies

Program Requirement


CTS 120 - Introduction to UNIX/LINUX


Program Requirement


CTS 140 - Network Security Fundamentals

CDF-251 Network Security

Program Requirement


CTS 234 - Windows Server

IS-235 Advanced Windows Server Architecture and Administration

Program Requirement


CTS 130 - Networking 1


Security Area of Concentration


CTS 131 - Networking 2

CDF-252 Networking II

Security Area of Concentration


CTS 240 - Advanced Network Defense


Security Area of Concentration


CTS 242 - Network Intrusion Detection and Penetration Testing

CDF-271 Intrusion and Penetration Testing

Security Area of Concentration


CTS 170 - Digital Forensics I OR CTS 222 - UNIX/LINUX System Administration

CDF-261 Digital Forensics OR CDF-240 Linux Systems Administration

Security Area of Concentration Elective


Additional Security Area of Concentration Electives: CTS 216 or CTS 236


Security Area of Concentration Elective


English Composition: ENG 101 or ENG 101H or ENG 101A

ENG 102 or ENG 102H

ENG 151: English Composition

ENG 152: Writing About Literature

English Composition General Education Requirement


CTS 194 - Ethics and the Information Age

Humanities Requirement

Humanities General Education Requirement


BIO 135 - Principles of Nutrition

Non-lab requirement

Science General Education Requirement


CTS 107 - Cyber Essentials

IS-140 Information Systems Architecture and Design

Technology General Education Requirement


MAT 137 - College Algebra

Mathematics Requirement

Mathematics General Education Requirement


General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences course

Social Science Requirement

General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences General Education Requirement


Total: 61 credits

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above and earn the A.A.S. in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (Security AOC) will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the A.A.S. may have different requirements.

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MGT 210 Business Writing (3)
  • CDF 290 Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity (3)
  • CDF 391 Incident Response and Investigation (3)
  • CDF 392 Information Systems Forensics Internals-Auditing (3)
  • CDF 240 Linux System Administration or CDF 261 Digital Forensics (depending on course taken at AACC (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • IS 365 Writing for IS Applications 300/400-level Writing Intensive (WI) (3)
  • CDF 393 Forensic Evidence Collection Tools and Techniques (3)
  • CDF 475 Advanced Digital Forensics (3)
  • IS 240 Programming Concepts (3)
  • Humanities II* (HUM) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • IS 432 Network Security - Firewalls, IDS, and Counter Measures (3)
  • IS 331 CISCO TCP and IP Routing (3)
  • Humanities III* (HUM)
  • Fine Arts (3)
  • Lab Science (4)

Credits: 16

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • CDF 480 Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Capstone (3)
  • CDF-281 Advanced Network Defense (3)
  • Social Science II** (3)
  • Humanities IV* (HUM) (3)
  • Communication Intensive (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Bridget Brennan
AVP, Academic Affairs   

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 2 years from date of last signature.

English Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A. in English-Arts and Science Transfer for the completion of the B.A. in English (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCategoryCredits Transferred

ENG 101 or 101H or 101A - Academic Writing and Research I

ENG 151

General Education - Writing


Mathematics GER

SEE-Quantitative Reasoning

SEE-Quantitative Reasoning

Communications GER

SEE-Communication Intensive

SEE-Communication Intensive

Technology General Education course 


General Elective

Elective (SU recommends Foreign Language)

Foreign language*

Program Requirement and SEE-Humanities 1

ENG 102 or 102H - Academic Writing and Research 2

ENG 152

General Education - Writing

Biological & Physical Lab Sciences GER 

SEE-Scientific Reasoning-Lab

SEE-Scientific Reasoning-Lab


One History course

SEE-Humanities 2

SEE-Humanities 2



General Elective

Elective (SU recommends Foreign Language)

Foreign language 

Program Requirement and SEE-Humanities 3


ENG Sophomore Literature Course

200-level literature elective Program Requirement and SEE-Humanities 4 3

Biological and Physical Science GER

SEE-Scientific Reasoning

SEE-Scientific Reasoning 3

Social and Behavioral Science

SEE Social Science #1

SEE Social Science #1

English elective 1 (SU recommends ENG 160 or ENG 161 Intro to Linguistics) 

ENG 231 Style and Editing

Program requirement (core course)

English elective 2

200-level English elective**

Program requirement


English elective 3

Any-level English elective**

Program requirement

English elective 4

Any-level English elective**

Program requirement 

Elective 2

General Elective 

General Elective 

Elective 3

General Elective   General Elective 2

Total: 60 credits

*The BA degree at Stevenson requires students to complete two semesters of a foreign language from the point of placement or complete the 202 level of a foreign language.

**SU requires one 200-level literature, two 200-level English electives, and two additional any-level English electives. English electives may include creative writing, professional writing, literature courses, or internships

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above including all recommended courses and earn the A.A. In English - Arts and Sciences Transfer will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.A. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the associate degree may have more general education and program requirements to take and fewer free electives.

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • ENG 3xx Literature (Options vary) (3)
  • ENG 3xx Elective (Options vary) (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • ENG 160 Introduction to Literary Studies (3)
  • ENG 2S6 Introduction to Digital Publishing (3)
  • ENG 331 Design Your Career (3)
  • ENG 3xx Elective (Options vary) (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • ENG 332 Advanced Critical Approaches to Literature (3)
  • ENG 401 Major Author or ENG 402 Major Work (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • ENG 420 Internship (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)
  • General Elective, Minor, or Professional Minor (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Bridget Brennan
AVP, Academic Affairs    

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 2 years from date of last signature: 12/16/21

Graphic Arts Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A. in Graphic and Web Design - Visual Arts Transfer for the completion of the B.S. in Graphic Design (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Students must apply and be accepted to Stevenson University

Requirements at Anne Arundel Community CollegeRequirements at Stevenson UniversityCredits Transferred

ART 120 Digital Photography

PHOTO 141 Basic Digital Photography


ART 125 Drawing 1

ART 116 Drawing I

ART 166 Graphic Design 1

GDES 210 Comm. Design 1

ART 210 History of Western Art 2

ART 205 Art History Survey Topics 

ART 230 Art Portfolio Development OR ART 250 Digital Portfolio Development

GDES elective


Program Elective: ART 103 Color (strongly recommended)

ART 113 Fundamentals of Design II

Program Elective: ART 170 Web Design I (strongly recommended)

GDES 208 Web Design I


Program Elective: ART 266 Graphic Design II (strongly recommended)

GDES 211 Communication Design II

Technology requirement: ART 106 Digital Design 

GDES 125 Fundamentals of Digital Media 

Elective: ART 264 Fundamentals of Typography (strongly recommended)

GDES 230 Typography I 



General Elective 1

English Composition: ENG 101, ENG 101H, ENG 101A

ENG 151 Composition & Writing from Sources


English Composition: ENG 102, ENG 102H

ENG 152 Writing about Literature


Mathematics General Education Requirement

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Social Sciences Requirement (Social Sciences 1)


Social and Behavioral Sciences (different discipline previous course above)

Social Sciences Requirement (Social Sciences 2)

Arts and Humanities: ART 209 History of Western Art 1

ART 106 Introduction to Art History

Arts and Humanities: ART 100 Two-Dimensional Design

ART 110 Fundamentals of Design I 

Biological and Physical Sciences Lab

Lab Science Requirement   4

Biological and Physical Sciences

2nd Science Requirement 3

Wellness requirement

General Elective 3

Maximum credits transferring to Stevenson University is 70.

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above (including courses listed above as strongly recommended) and earn the Associate of Arts in Graphic and Web Design - Visual Arts Transfer will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the B.S. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the AA or who do not follow the plan outlined above may have more general education and program requirements to take before being able to complete the program and fewer free electives.

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • GDES2 30 (3)
  • FMI 102 (3)
  • GDES 308(3)
  • GDES 310 (3)
  • GDES 290 Internship Prep (1)
  • General Elective (2)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • GDES 330 (3)
  • GDES 390 Internship (3)
  • Studio Elective (#1) (3)
  • ART 113 (3)
  • ART 117 (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • GDES 410 (3)
  • Studio Elective (#2) (3)
  • ART 305 (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • GDES 450 (3)
  • Studio Elective (#3) (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Bridget Brennan
AVP, Academic Affairs    

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Date of next review: 10/24/21

Medical Laboratory Technology Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from Medical Laboratory Technology for the completion of the Medical Laboratory Science (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits for towards completion of the Program include: take prior to transferring to Stevenson University, contact Stevenson Admissions at 443-352-4450. 

Community College Degree RequirementsStevenson EquivalencyCredits Transferred

BIO 231 Human Biology I
or BIO 233 Anatomy & Physiology I
SU Recommends:
BIO 231 Human Biology I

Fulfills BIO 222 Human Anatomy requirement for MLS majors


MLT 100 Intro to Medical Laboratory I & MLT 102 Quality Assurance and Quality Control

MLS 210 Principles of Laboratory Science

MLT 101 Urinalysis and Body fluids & MLT 277 Clinical Chemistry Practicum (includes Urinalysis and Body fluids)

MLS 320 Urinalysis & Body fluids & MLS 320L Urinalysis & Body fluids Laboratory

MLT 202 Clinical Microbiology & MLT 278 Clinical Microbiology Practicum

MLS 330 Clinical Microbiology I & MLS 330L Clinical Microbiology I Laboratory

MLT 203 Clinical Chemistry & MLT 206 Advanced Clinical Chemistry

MLS 325 Clinical Chemistry I & MLS 325L Clinical Chemistry I Laboratory


MLT 205 Clinical Hematology and MLT 276 Clinical Hematology Practicum

MLS 310 Hematology I & MLS 310L Hematology I Laboratory

MLT 204 Clinical Immunology/Immunohematology & MLTS 279 Clinical Immunohematology Practicum

Elective Credit


MLT 208 Clinical Review

Elective Credit 2

CTA 100 Computing and Information Technology or CTP 103 Theories and Applications of Digital Technology

Elective Credit (Does not fulfill any program requirements)


ENG 101 - Academic Writing and Research 1 OR ENG 101A - Academic Writing and Research 1

ENG 151: College Writing I


ENG 102 - Academic Writing and Research 2

ENG 152: College Writing II 3

COM 111 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or COM 116 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers

CM 101 Public Speaking Satisfies General Education Communication Intensive and fulfills MLS 311 Communication & Cultural Competence in Healthcare program requirement


BIO 223 General Microbiology
CHE 111 General Chemistry I

BIO 203 Microbiology (Program Requirement and Lab Science Requirement)
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I and CHEM 115 Lab (Program Requirement and Lab Science Requirement)

MAT 137 College Algebra 

MATH-191TR Satisfies College Algebra

SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Satisfies General Education Social Science


Total credits: 63

Student transferring into the Stevenson University B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science Program with an A.A.S. in Medical Laboratory Technology and American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)-certification will be able to waive the following required courses from their B.S. degree:

  • BIO 113-General Biology I and BIO 113L-General Biology Lab and
  • CHEM 116 General Chemistry II and CHEM 116L General Chemistry II Laboratory

In addition, it is highly recommended students take the following required courses, prior to matriculation at Stevenson University:

  1. BIO 232 Human Biology II at AACC, which fulfills BIO 322 Physiology
  2. CHE 113 Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry at AACC, which transfers as BIO 217 Principles of Biochemistry

Suggested Course Sequence

With the assumption that the AACC-MLT graduate has taken Human Biology II and Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry prior to the start of the junior year of the program, the Junior (3rd year) and Senior year (4th year) would be structured as below:

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MLS 315 Clinical Mycology, Parasitology & Virology (2)
  • MLS 338/338L Molecular & Immunologic Diagnostics (4)
  • SCI 215 Writing in the Sciences (3)
  • Humanities Requirement (1 of 4) (3)
  • Humanities Requirement (2 of 4) (3)

Credits: 15

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • BIO 230 Genetics (4)
  • MATH 136 Introduction to Statistics (4)
  • Humanities Requirement (3 of 4) (3)
  • Fine Arts Requirement (3)
  • Social Science II Requirement (3)

Credits: 17

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • MLS 405 Transfusion Medicine (4)
  • MLS 410 Hematology II (3)
  • MLS 420 Clinical Microbiology II (4)
  • MLS 425 Clinical Chemistry II (3)
  • MLS 335 Clinical Lab Management (3)

Credits: 17

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • MLS 430 Professional Research & Writing (4)
  • MLS 431 Clinical Chemistry Practice (3)
  • MLS 432 Clinical Hematology Practice (3)
  • MLS 433 Clinical Microbiology Practice (3)
  • MLS 434 Clinical Immunohematology Practice (3)

Credits: 16

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better, with the exception of college composition, which must be passed with a "C-" - 70% or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Amanda Hostalka
Vice Provost, Outreach     

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. Trademarks

Each Party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for the limited purpose of this Agreement, including marketing and advertising campaigns, only with the prior express written permission of the other Party. Except as specified authorized in the Agreement, neither Party shall use i) the name, logos or trademarks of the other, ii) the name or likeness of any employee or officer of the other in connection with any product, service, promotion, news, release or other publicity without the prior written permission of the other Party and, if necessary, of the individual whose name or likeness may be under consideration. All uses of College trademarks shall comply with College guideline for the use of its trademarks.

I. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

1. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

J. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement:

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time.

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
President or Chief Academic Officer
Dec 1, 2020

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
Executive Vice President Academic Affairs and Provost
Dec 1, 2020

Date of next review (2 years from date of last signature):

Nursing Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding
Associate Degree in Nursing to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Option:
A Collaborative Degree Option of the Anne Arundel Community College and Stevenson University, Inc.

I. Summary

a. Anne Arundel Community College ("AACC") and Stevenson University, Inc. ("SU") agree to offer a collaborative option in which students will pursue an Associate of Science ("AS") degree in Nursing at AACC and then continue to complete a Bachelor of Science ("BS") degree in Nursing at SU.

b. This document shall be referred to as the "MOU", and the collaborative course of study which is the subject of this MOU is designated the "ATB".

II. Overview

a. The goal of the ATB is to increase the number of Baccalaureate prepared nurses in the community. This relationship will provide for an ease of transition and foster a relationship that encourages degree completion. Students will be simultaneously enrolled in both institutions during the time period in which they are earning the AS degree.

b. Following successful completion of the NCLEX-RN  exam, students will be enrolled only at SU for the completion of the BS degree.

III. General Requirements

a. Students must meet application requirements for AACC as a degree-seeking student during the time they are enrolled in the AS degree portion of the curriculum.

b. Students must meet the application requirements for SU as a degree-seeking student during the entire time they are enrolled in the ATB.

c. Students must be dually enrolled at AACC and SU for the time period during which they are earning their AS degree in Nursing.

d. Students must meet programmatic screening requirements established by mutual consent of the two institutions for full acceptance into the ATB.

e. Students must meet programmatic progression policy requirements to meet academic rigor throughout matriculation. Procedures regarding disciplinary action and, as warranted, program dismissal, will be established by SU and AACC to insure compliance.

f. The AS degree will be awarded by AACC upon successful completion of the nursing AS degree requirements.

g. Students must pass the NCLEX-RN examination prior to enrollment in SU NURS 424: Health in the Community.

h. The BS degree will be awarded by SU upon successful completion of the BS degree requirements.

IV. The Collaborative ATB Committee

a. A Collaborative ATB Committee, ("The ATB Committee") composed of AACC and SU representatives, will be designated to serve as the leadership for the ATB.

b. The ATB Committee's purpose will be to establish screening criteria, to draft and recommend policies and procedures for the efficient administration of the ATB, and to annually review this Memorandum of Understanding and make recommendations for changes as appropriate. The A TB Committee will be co-chaired by a representative from each institution and will meet no less than once every year.

c. Appointments to the Collaborative ATB Committee will be made by the AACC Nursing Program Administrator and the SU Associate Dean, GPS Nursing.

V. Curriculum

a. SU and AACC will identify one person from each institution who will be the primary contact person for the ATB and who will provide coordination between the institutions. Each party may designate a contact person by written communication to the other institution on an as-needed basis. The person so identified shall be designated the Institutional Representative ("IR").

b. The IR will propose curricular and/or programmatic changes, subject to approval by the respective institution. Any such changes that effect AS degree requirements will be submitted to the respective AACC curriculum approval body, which has responsibility for final approval.

c. Similarly, any such programmatic and/or curricular changes that affect the BS degree requirements will be submitted to a SU curriculum approval body, which has responsibility for final approval.

d. The AACC Nursing Program Administrator, in consultation with the !Rs, will be responsible for assuring that the A TB' s curriculum content meets accreditation requirements for the AS degree. This includes notification to the Maryland Board of Nursing and any accrediting agencies identified by the AACC Nursing Program.

e. The SU Associate Dean, GPS Nursing, in consultation with the IRs, will be responsible for assuring that the BS curriculum content meets accreditation requirements for the BS degree. This includes notification to the Maryland Board of Nursing and any accrediting agencies identified by SU and Department of Nursing.

f. AACC and SU shall each retain control of their respective courses, for which they have responsibility under this MOU, including but not limited to materials, content and instructional methods.

VI. Admissions

a. Students will complete an application for admission into AACC and an application through Selective Admissions to the A TB, and pay all appropriate application fees to AACC. Students will sign a statement granting permission to forward applications and/or related documents to SU.

b. Selected students will then complete the appropriate enrollment process for matriculation into SU. SU does not guarantee admission to any student; all students wishing to matriculate to SU shall be subject to all of SU's university and departmental admissions criteria.

VII. Administration

a. The Collaborative A TB Committee shall oversee administrative issues related to admission processes, registration, billing, financial aid, student codes of conduct, academic standards, departmental standards, and other related student services for the ATB.

b. The ATB shall be administered in accord with the policies and procedure of each institution. When in conflict the Collaborative ATB committee shall make a good  faith effort to resolve conflicts and disputes between the institutions. Neither institution shall be required to contravene any internal policy or law in the completion of its duties under this MOU.

VIII. Student Services

a. Advising

i. Academic advising for the ATB requirements, including General Education and prerequisite requirements for entry into the AS Degree po1tion of the A TB will be the responsibility of both institutions.

ii. Advising may be provided by SU or AACC personnel before the student is admitted to AACC. Once admitted, students will be assigned a AACC advisor for the duration of the AS degree portion of the ATB option, and a SU advisor for the entire duration of the A TB option. AACC and SU advisors will regularly confer about advisees.

iii. ATB information will be provided to each institution by the other institution for pre-advising purposes, so that each institution can knowledgeably respond to student questions about the option.

b. Campus Access

i. Web-based technology will be utilized for providing assistance with administrative procedures, including admissions, financial aid, registration and billing, grade collection and reporting, etc. Complete ATB information will be hosted on both AACC's and SU's nursing websites.

ii. Once admitted to the ATB option, students will have access to all student services at AACC, including but not limited to the library, recreation facilities, athletic events, etc. until the completion of the AS degree requirements. Students will have access to all student services at SU during the entire enrollment in the ATB option.

iii. Each party represents and warrants that it is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate with regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, or other lawfully prohibited reasons. Neither party shall discriminate with respect to acceptance of qualified applicants into the option.

c. Student Records

i. Student records for the AS Degree will be maintained by AACC.

ii. Student records for the BS Degree will be maintained by SU.

iii. All AACC credits for non-nursing courses associated with the ATB will be transferred to SU. SU will award 30 upper division credits upon passage of NCLEX-RN.

iv. Any SU credits which will be transferred to AACC in partial completion of AS Degree requirements will be posted on the students' records at AACC.

v. Each party shall maintain the confidentiality of all student records which comes into its possession, in accordance with FERPA, state and local confidentiality laws and institutional policies.

d. Financial Aid

i. SU will serve as the parent institution for awarding and dispersing of financial aid during student matriculation in the ATB option. SU will serve as the parent institution for awarding and dispersing of financial aid after the Associate degree has been awarded.

ii. AACC will join in a formal consortium agreement with SU for administration of financial aid for the students in the ATB option.

e. Registration

i. All information related to registration, including course offerings and schedule of classes for courses required for the ATB will be available through AACC Nursing website and SU Nursing website, developed jointly through the ATB coordinating committee or designee.

ii. Students will register for their AACC nursing courses through AACC, and for their SU courses through SU.

IX. Distribution of Tuition and Fees

a. Revenue

i. AACC nursing students and nursing alumni will receive a 20% discount on SU tuition specifically for the ATB, RNBS and/or RNMS options. This discount does not apply to SU student fees, books, or supplies.

ii. Students will be billed separately by each institution and will pay for tuition and fees separately to each institution.

iii. Students will be billed for AACC courses and fees at AACC rates and SU courses and fees at SU rates.

iv. Students pursuing coursework provided by AACC will adhere to the protocols and policies related to course registration, drop/add, and course withdrawal and issue of refunds as established by AACC.

v. Students pursuing coursework provided by SU will adhere to the protocols and policies related to course registration, drop/add, and course withdrawal and issue refunds as established by SU.

vi. Students will be considered dually enrolled in both institutions once they have been accepted into the ATB and as long as they continue to meet the qualifications for the option.

vii. SU will be responsible for issuing refunds to students for SU courses.

viii. AACC will be responsible for issuing refunds to students for AACC courses.

b. Expenses

i. SU's operating expenses (e.g., phone, copying, library and technology, office supplies, and travel) will be paid by SU.

ii. AACC's operating expenses (e.g., phone, copying, library and technology, office supplies, and travel) will be paid by AACC.

iii. SU and AACC will establish a mechanism for each institution to contribute funds jointly to cover (a) marketing and promotional costs, e.g. open houses, printing, blast emails, promotional supplies, and (b) administrative expenses e.g., joint meetings, travel costs related to advisory board.

X. Faculty

a. The AACC Nursing Program Administrator will determine all teaching assignments for the AS degree courses offered at AACC.

b. The SU Associate Dean -GPS Nursing will determine all teaching assignments for the ATB courses offered through SU.

c. Each party shall be separately responsible for its faculty who teach its own courses in the option.

d. Each patty shall be responsible for the actions and omissions of their agents, servants and employees who participate in the collaborative ATB program, and each party shall indemnify and hold the-other patty harmless from the acts and omissions of each's respective faculty, administrators, employees and agents.

XI. Review/Modification of this Memorandum of Understanding

a. This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed annually by the Collaborative ATB Committee.

b. This MOU may be modified only by written agreement signed by the authorized representatives of both parties

c. Substantial changes to the ATB, curtailment or discontinuance of the ATB will be submitted to the Maryland Higher Education Commission through a transmittal letter signed by the Presidents and Provosts/Vice President for Academic Affairs from both institutions.

d. This MOU shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of Maryland.

XII. Effective Date and Term

a. This MOU becomes effective upon signature by all parties and shall continue in effect unless terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this MOU upon written notice to non-terminating party no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the non-terminating party's subsequent semester.

b. In the event of termination, each party agrees that students enrolled in the ATB at the time of the written notice of termination is given may continue to participate in the ATB until such student has the opportunity to complete the required courses and earn a BS degree. However, in no event shall this obligation survive for more than two years after the effective termination date of this MOU.

c. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the degree ATB described in the "Summary and Overview" sections and supersedes all previous agreements between the parties related to the option, whether written or oral.

We, the undersigned, approve this agreement on behalf of our respective institutions.

Anne Arundel Community College, by

Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President

Dr. Michael Gavin
Vice President for Learning

Elizabeth H. Appel, M.S.W., LCSW-C
Dean, School of Health Professions

Beth Batturs-Martin, RN, MSN
Director of Nursing and Healthcare Initiatives

Stevenson University, Inc., by

Claire E. Moore
Interim President

Susan T. Gorman
Executive Vice President Academic Affairs and Provost

Jeanne M. Geiger-Brown
Dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions

Ellen Clayton, RN, MSN
Chair, Department of Nursing

Joyce K. Becker, JD
Dean, School of Graduate and Professional Studies
Stevenon University, Inc.

Judith A. Feustle, ScD, RN
Associate Dean, Graduate and Professional Studies

Psychology Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Stevenson University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from A.A. in Psychology, Arts and Science Transfer for the completion of the B.S. in Psychology (the “Program(s)”). 

A. Qualifying Students 

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of "Qualifying Students", i.e., those students who: 

1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution; 
2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing; and 
3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution. 

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols: 

1. A Qualifying Student may transfer into from the Transferring Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program. 

2. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits towards completion of the Program include: 

Anne Arundel Community CollegeStevenson UniversityCategoryCredits Transferred

PSY 100 - Career Development and Assessment

Psychology Elective

Program Requirements


PSY 111: Introduction to Psychology

PSY 101 Program and Social Science Requirement

Program Requirements

PSY 211- Developmental Psychology OR PSY 214 - Abnormal Psychology

PSY 108 Human Growth and Development OR PSY 215 Psychopathology

Program Requirements


Take one of the following:
PSY 102 - Psychology of African Americans
PSY 205 - Child Psychology
PSY 208 - Adolescent Psychology
PSY 212 - Personality Psychology
PSY 221 - Psychology of Men
PSY 222 - Psychology of Women
PSY 224 - Multicultural Psychology
PSY 232 - Sport Psychology

Psychology Elective 200-level 

Program Requirements

SU recommends these specific electives from the list of electives under program requirements:

- PSY 250 Statistics in Social & Behavioral Sciences
-PSY 216 Human Sexuality
-PSY 223 Social Psychology
- PSY 211 Developmental Psychology OR PSY 214 - Abnormal Psychology (whichever not taken above)

-PSY 136 Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
-PSY 208 Human Sexuality (counts as general elective)
-PSY 262 Social Psychology
-PSY 108 Human Growth and Development OR PSY 215 Psychopathology



ENG 101, ENG 101H, ENG 101A
ENG 102, ENG 102H

ENG 151: English Composition
ENG 152: Writing About Literature

General Education Requirements - English Composition and literature


Sophomore literature course 

Humanities requirement

General Education Requirements - Arts and Humanities


Communications Course

Communications-Intensive Requirement

General Education Requirements - Arts and Humanities

2 courses, 1 lab 

Scientific Reasoning and Scientific Reasoning-Lab 

General Education Requirements - Biological and Physical Sciences


Health/Fitness/Wellness General Education

General Elective

General Education Requirements - Health/Fitness/Wellness


MAT 137 or higher (strongly recommended

Math Requirement General Education Requirements - Mathematics 4

Social & Behavioral Science course (except HIS) AND HIS 111, 112, 211, or 212

Social Science Requirement
Humanities requirement

General Education Requirements - Social and Behavioral Sciences 6

General Education Technology requirement

Elective Credit

General Education Requirements - Technology

Elective coursework

Elective Credit

General Education Requirements - Additional Electives


Total: 60 AACC credits

Please note: a minimum of 60 credits are needed for the associate degree

Remaining Courses to be taken at Stevenson

Students who complete the plan above and earn the A.A. in Psychology, Arts and Science Transfer will take the following courses at Stevenson to meet the 8.5. requirements. Students who transfer before completing the AA may have more general education and program requirements to take and fewer free electives.

General Education Requirements (0 credits)
Major Requirements (38 credits)
Additional Credits Needed: 22 credits of general electives
Total credits to be taken at SU: 60

Suggested Course Sequence

Year 3 Fall Recommended Courses

  • PSY 201 Writing for Psychology (3)
  • PSY 205 Career Development I (1)
  • PSY 230 Basic Counseling Skills (4)
  • PSY 260 Behavioral Approaches to Change (3)
  • PSY 261 Biological Psychology (3)

Credits: 14

Year 3 Spring Recommended Courses

  • PSY 263 Cognitive Psychology (3)
  • PSY 270 Research Methods and Data Analysis i (4)
  • PSY 305 Career Development II (1)
  • PSY elective 300-400 level (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 17

Year 4 Fall Recommended Courses

  • PSY 333 Tests and Measurement (4)
  • PSY 405 Career Development III (1)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 14

Year 4 Spring Recommended Courses

  • PSY 343 Research Methods and Data Analysis II (4)
  • PSY 450 Internship (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)
  • General Elective (3)

Credits: 15

3. Additional Provisions

  • Courses that fulfill program requirements are only eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "C" or better. Courses used to fulfill only general education requirements are eligible for transfer if students have earned a grade of "D" or better.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at time of application.
  • Stevenson participates in general education block transfer. Students entering Stevenson with an A.A., A.S., or A.A.T. degree from a Maryland community college will have met all of Stevenson's general education requirements, with the exception of a second composition course if not already taken. The equivalencies above detail the coursework students would take under the block transfer program. Not all programs are eligible for block transfer.
  • Stevenson University will accept up to 70 credits from 2-year institutions. Up to 90 credits can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction (including CLEP, AP, and other nationally recognized standardized examination scores). For additional information about credit transfer, please see: 
  • For non-direct classroom instruction, an appropriate score is determined by Stevenson University, and student must submit original test scores/results to Stevenson University. Tech Prep credits will not transfer. Credit awarded for prior learning  ("life experience") is not recognized by, and is not transferable to, Stevenson University.
  • Students intending to transfer should complete the admission application for Stevenson University once they complete 45 credits of the Associate Degree program. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at Stevenson University as soon as possible in regard to college deadlines for financial aid. Students who have completed an associate degree at a Maryland community college are guaranteed admissions to Stevenson

4. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

Sending Institution
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment

Receiving Institution
Dave Copenhaver
Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 

Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

Additional contact information:

Sending Institution
Alycia Marshall 
AVP, Learning and Academic Affairs  

Receiving Institution
Bridget Brennan
AVP, Academic Affairs    

5.  If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill  Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).

6. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations. 

7. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer. 

8. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that it is signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution.

2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every 2 year(s) to review the terms of this agreement.

D. Amendment

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. 

2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

G. Notice of Agreement

1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar's offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement: 

1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. 

2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Institutions have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 

Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Gavin, PhD 
Vice President for Learning

Stevenson University
Susan Thompson Gorman, PhD
EVP Academic Affairs and Provost

Stevenson University Online

If you want to complete your bachelor's degree online, you can save 20% on tuition on select programs. The full list of eligible programs is below. Tuition rates vary by program. Completing your degree online is cost-effective and flexible. Tuition for online programs is lower than on-campus programs. 

Stevenson University Online offers a 20% tuition discount for the following undergraduate programs:

  • Business Administration
  • Computer Information Systems
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Legal Studies
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Nursing (RN to BS and RN to MS)
  • Professional Studies 

Visit Stevenson University Online's website to view a full list of available bachelor's degree programs. 

Stevenson University Online Memorandum of Understanding

Stevenson University, Inc. and Anne Arundel Community College

This Memorandum of Understanding (“Agreement”) is made by and between Stevenson University Online, a division of Stevenson University, Inc., 100 Campus Circle, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 (“Stevenson University”) and Anne Arundel Community College, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 (“AACC”) (individually, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”).

A. Purpose:

1. The Agreement memorializes an initiative between Stevenson University and AACC to provide educational opportunities and incentives through Stevenson University Online degree programs for AACC graduates and employees.

2. Liaisons
The Parties designate the individuals below to serve as the primary point of contact (“Liaison”) and be primarily responsible for the planning, execution, and exchange of information under this Agreement. Should the Liaison change, the Party will promptly provide new contact to the other Party in writing.

AACC Liaison
Marcus Wright
Director of Transfer, Articulation & Career Alignment
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012

Stevenson University Liaison
Amanda Millar
Senior Director, Enrollment and Admissions
1525 Greenspring Valley Road
Stevenson, MD 21153

B. Stevenson University’s Responsibilities:

1. Provide courses leading to the appropriate Bachelor of Science degree through a Transfer Evaluation Report.

2. Provide AACC with all appropriate and important information that needs to be communicated to the participating graduates and employees of AACC.

3. Provide a contact to act as a liaison between Stevenson University Online and AACC.

4. Advise all incoming students of their course sequence, potential transfer credits, and/or program credit review.

C. AACC’s Responsibilities:

1. Provide Stevenson University Online information, in accordance with the Publicity and Promotion provisions of this Agreement, to AACC students and employees.

2. Support Stevenson University recruitment, in accordance with the Publicity and Promotion provisions of this Agreement.

3. Invite Stevenson University to promote programs on-site and virtual during college/transfer fairs or campus visits.

4. Provide Stevenson University with a direct contact person responsible for programs/ services under this Agreement. 

5. Provide suitable space, inclusive of a table and chairs, for Stevenson University’s recruiter/advisor in an appropriate location on all AACC campus locations during Stevenson University’s recruiting/advising visits.

D. General Principles:

1. The Online Bachelor Degree programs are designed for students with at least a high school diploma or GED, and/or associate degree holders of a community college.

2. Students who apply to Stevenson University must meet all standard academic requirements for admission to the particular program.

3. Designated institutional liaisons at Stevenson University and AACC will ensure that appropriate personnel in their respective institutions are aware of this agreement, including administration, managers, employees, members, deans, faculty, transfer office personnel, and other staff.

4. Stevenson University and AACC agree to monitor the performance of this Agreement and to revise it as necessary.

5. Representatives from both institutions will agree to meet at least, but not limited to, twice annually. These meetings will help facilitate any changes, problems, or items that need to be updated or corrected.

E. Stevenson University Tuition Discount:

1. Stevenson University will offer AACC graduates enrolled as a degree-seeking student in a Stevenson University Online undergraduate degree program a 20% tuition discount, in eligible undergraduate programs. See Addendum A and B for specific cost information and a list of eligible programs, respectively.

2. Stevenson University will offer employees of AACC enrolled as a degree-seeking student in a Stevenson University Online Undergraduate degree program, Master’s degree program, or Post-baccalaureate Certificate program a 20% tuition discount, in eligible undergraduate, graduate and post-baccalaureate certificate programs. See Addendum A and B for specific cost information and a list of eligible undergraduate programs; and Addendum C and D for specific cost information and a list of eligible graduate and postbaccalaureate certificate programs.

3. The tuition discount can only be applied to one academic program at a time and cannot be combined with other partnership discounts.

4. The tuition discount is for tuition only and cannot be applied to supplies, books, fees or other costs associated with the program(s).

5. The student is ultimately responsible for any fees or tuition owed to Stevenson University.

6. The tuition discount is not retroactive; however, current Stevenson University Online students who are graduates or employees of AACC are eligible for the tuition discount beginning the Summer 2024 semester start after this Agreement is fully executed.

7. Stevenson University will give written notice to AACC’s designated liaison sixty (60) days in advance should tuition and/or fees rise.

F. Publicity and Promotion:

1. During the term of this Agreement, Stevenson University and AACC will develop a marketing and student recruitment plan to promote this Agreement and to inform students of the opportunities available. 

2. Any and all marketing, promotional or publication materials developed by one Party must be reviewed and approved in writing by the other Party prior to use of any such materials.

3. AACC agrees to promote any and all Stevenson University online programs contained in this Agreement to AACC students by allowing Stevenson University to place marketing materials in AACC alumni and employee centered departments on campus.

G. Trademark:

1. Each Party grants to the other a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable revocable license to use its name, logos, and other trademarks for limited purpose of this Agreement, with the prior express written permission of the other Party.

2. Except as specifically authorized in this Agreement, neither Party shall use the name, logos or trademarks of the other or the name or likeness of any employee or officer of the other Party in connection with any product, service, promotion, news, release or other publicity without the prior written permission of the other Party and, if necessary, of the individual whose name or likeness may be under consideration.

3. All uses of AACC’s trademarks shall comply with the AACC’s guidelines for the use of its trademarks, which will be provided upon request.

H. Term:

1. Initial Term - This Agreement becomes effective upon signature by all parties and shall continue in effect for a period of five years (the Initial Term and together with any extension renewal thereof, the “Term”).

2. Extension – This Agreement shall automatically be extended at the end of the Initial Term or at the end of each additional term for an additional period of one year unless either party notifies the other party in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the Initial Term or any additional term that it does not wish to extend the Agreement. Stevenson University and AACC will consider, in good faith, any amendments proposed by either party; however, this Agreement may only be amended in writing by both parties.

I. Termination:

1. The Agreement may be terminated by either party for due cause and after adequate notice to the other. Termination of the Agreement will not affect the admission status of currently enrolled students, and they shall be able to transfer locations without penalty. The parties may, at a later date, decide that it is in their mutual best interest to offer classroom-based courses at AACC. In that event, a separate Agreement would have to be negotiated and executed.

J. Resolution of Disputes:

1. To the extent possible, any disputes between Stevenson University and AACC will be resolved by the Parties' Liaisons.

2. If the Parties Liaisons are unable to reach a resolution, any controversies arising out of the terms of this Agreement or its interpretation shall be settled in arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and the judgment upon award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

3. One (1) arbitrator will be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. Costs of the arbitration will be split equally by the Parties.

4. Arbitration proceedings for any claims arising out of or related to this Agreement must be commenced by the complaining Party within three (3) years from the date the claim accrued or it is deemed waived.

K. General Provisions:

1. Non-Discrimination. The Parties agree not to discriminate in any manner against any participant, employee or applicant for employment because of the individual’s race, color, religion or creed, ancestry or national origin, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, citizenship, and genetic information.

2. Headings. Section headings are not to be considered a part of this Agreement and are not intended to be a full and accurate description of the contents hereof.

3. No Waiver. The failure of a Party to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Agreement on any occasion shall not be considered a waiver or deprive that Party of the right thereafter to that term or any other term of this Agreement, unless evidenced by a written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of both Parties.

4. Modification or Amendment. No amendment, change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing signed by the Parties hereto.

5. Entire Understanding. This document and any exhibit attached constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties, and any and all prior agreements, understandings, and representations are hereby terminated and cancelled in their entirety and are of no further force and effect.

6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, is held to be invalid and unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect.

7. Choice of Law. This Agreement, and all claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement, whether sounding in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Maryland, without reference to its conflicts of law.

8. No Partnership or Joint Venture. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall it be deemed, to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the Parties.

9. Notices. Any notice or communication permitted or required between the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by hand delivery, delivery by United States mail, email, or delivery by commercial overnight carrier. Notice shall be effective upon receipt to the person to whom it was addressed or three (3) days after notice was sent, whichever is earlier. Notices shall be provided to the individuals listed below. Either Party may change the notice address set forth in this Agreement by providing notice to the other Party.

i. To Stevenson University:

Stevenson University
ATTN: Amanda Millar,
Senior Director, Enrollment and Admissions
1525 Greenspring Valley Road
Stevenson, MD 21153

ii. To AACC:
Anne Arundel Community College
General Counsel
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012

10. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Each counterpart will be an original, but all such counterparts will constitute a single instrument. This Agreement may be electronically or digitally signed or scanned, and any electronic or digital signatures appearing on this Agreement are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility, upon exchange of signature pages.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. in the duplicate this 11th day of April, 2024.

Susan Thompson Gorman, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President and Provost
Stevenson University, Inc. 

Tanya Millner, Ed.D.
Provost/Vice President for Learning 
Anne Arundel Community College

Meredith C. Durmowicz, Ph.D.
Sr. Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs
Interim Vice Provost of Online Learning
Stevenson University, Inc. Tanya Millner

Addendum A

Stevenson University Online
Tuition Rate Per Credit Hour- AACC Graduates and Employees

Area of Study Rate Per Credit Hour 20% Reduction Rate Per Credit Hour Standard

Adult Undergraduate (Nursing)



Adult Undergraduate (Non-Nursing)



Adult Undergraduate (Professional Studies)



Fees per Semester (All Programs)


Addendum B

Stevenson University Online
Program Offerings - AACC Graduates and Employees

Stevenson University Online, a division of Stevenson University, Inc., offers the following undergraduate academic programs to AACC graduates and employees:

Online Undergraduate Programs (Nursing):

  • Nursing (RN to BS)
  • Nursing (RN to MS)

Online Undergraduate Programs (Non-Nursing):

  • Business Administration
  • Computer Information Systems
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Legal Studies
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Professional Studies

Addendum C

Stevenson University Online Tuition Rate Per Credit Hour – AACC Employees

Area of Study Rate Per Credit Hour 20% Reduction Rate Per Credit Hour Standard 

Graduate Nursing



Graduate Business, Communication, and Healthcare Programs (Includes Post-Baccalaureate Certificates) 



Graduate Forensics and Crime Scene Investigation Programs (includes Post-Baccalaureate Certificates)



Graduate Education Programs (includes Post-Baccalaureate Certificates) *



Fees per Semester (All Programs)


Addendum D

Stevenson University Online
Program Offerings – AACC Employees

Stevenson University Online, a division of Stevenson University, Inc., offers the following graduate and post-baccalaureate certificate programs to AACC employees:

Graduate Nursing Program and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate:

  • Nursing (MS degree)
  • Population-Based Care Coordination (certificate program)
  • Nursing Education (certificate program)

Graduate Business, Communication, and Healthcare Programs and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates:

  • Communication (MS degree)
  • Digital Transformation and Innovation (MS degree)
  • Healthcare Management (MS degree)
  • Quality Management and Patient Safety (certificate program)

Graduate Forensics and Crime Scene Investigation Programs and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates:

  • Crime Scene Investigation (MS degree and certificate program)
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics (MS degree)
  • Digital Forensics (certificate program only)
  • Forensic Accounting (MS degree and certificate program)
  • Forensic Investigation (MS degree and certificate program)
  • Forensic Science (MFS degree)
  • Forensic Studies (MS degree)

Graduate Education Programs and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates (not eligible for discount*):

  • Community-Based Education and Leadership (MA degree and certificate program)
  • Early Childhood Education (MAT degree)
  • Integrative Learning (MEd degree)
  • Secondary STEM Teaching (MAT degree)
  • Literacy Education (certificate program)
  • National Board Teaching Professional (certificate program)
  • Secondary STEM Teaching and Learning (certificate program)

*Graduate Education programs and certificate programs are not eligible for the 20% reduction.


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Stevenson University

Office of Admission
100 Campus Circle
Garrison Hall North, Second Floor
Owings Mills, MD 21117-7804

Links and Resources

Stevenson University Online

Links and Resources

Tuition Discount for Employees

AACC employees can receive a 20% tuition discount on Stevenson University Online undergraduate and select graduate programs. More details on eligible programs are in the Stevenson University Online Memorandum of Understanding on this page.